Jacobs Family History


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1101 Father's Given name: William
Mother's Given name: Martha 
HINES, Clara Jane (I5022)
1102 Father's given name: William G
Mother's given name: Maria H 
PORTER, Lilian Kezia (I5026)
1103 Father's occupation given as Master Tailor ABRAHAM, Aaron (I386)
1104 Father, Moses, listed as Clothes Dealer JACOBS, Henry (I4360)
1105 Feather Dresser COHEN, Dinah (I4923)
1106 Fined 5s for leaving his horse uncontrolled. JACOBS, Lawrence (I774)
1107 First name unclear in 1850 census GAULT, Eduard (I5384)
1108 Five children baptised together
Father is a hosier 
GREENLAND, Albert Victor (I6821)
1109 Five children baptised together
Father is a hosier 
GREENLAND, Nelly Hester (I4721)
1110 Five children baptised together
Father is a hosier 
GREENLAND, David William (I6819)
1111 Five children baptised together
Father is a hosier 
GREENLAND, Jane Alice (I6820)
1112 Five children baptised together GREENLAND, Emily Rebecca (I6818)
1113 Follows on from earlier court case when he absconded.
Now he is in remanded in custody.
His brother (Moses) appears to have turned him in when he found him taking goods from his (Lewis') premises. Moses had already stood bail for him and had goods confiscated to pay for it. 
JACOBS, Lewis Henry (Judah) (I4355)
1114 For action at Ayette, France 21 Aug 1918 JACOBS, David Albert M.C. (I4534)
1115 Foreign Stamp Dealer
Has sister in law living with them
BENJAMIN, Alfred (I4996)
1116 Forgery, 14 days hard labour LEVY, Augustus (I4541)
1117 Formerly a Glass Merchant's Traveller.
Late of 37 Canterbury Place, Lambeth.
Registered by son-in-law John Wales 
JACOBS, Henry (I816)
1118 Formerly of Nowra and Punchbowl
PATERSON, Edward Keith (I5053)
1119 Found by Roderick Young in July 2015 Source (S2785)
1120 Found drowned
Body identified by brother, William Jacobs
It was not determined how she came to be in the water.
No suspicious circumstances 
JACOBS, Ethel Mary (I5017)
1121 Found drowned in River Thames
Open verdict by coroner
See associated newspaper article.
His address was 21 Catherine Street, Strand 
JACOBS, Henry (I4986)
1122 Found from National Burial Index on Find My Past BRAHAM, Sydney Henry (I263)
1123 Fourth daughter of Moses Levy
Third son of Morris Van Praagh of 18 Warwick Crescent, Hyde Park
BMD names Jacques as Jacob 
Family: Jacques VAN PRAAGH / Rebecca LEVY (F2026)
1124 Francis Patrick Sweeney changed his name legally in 1949 to Francis Patrick Jacobs. Verified by LPI NSW 6/10/2017 Ref: 6828.
[Source: Bronwyn Lee-Coward Oct 2017] 
SWEENEY, Francis Patrick (I5081)
1125 Francis Patrick was the biological brother of Noel Cedric Jacobs and their biological mother was Josephine Sweeney.
Francis Patrick Sweeney was not Legally Adopted By William Frederick and Florence Ann Jacobs. Verified by NSW BDM 2017.
Source: Bronwyn Lee-Coward
SWEENEY, Francis Patrick (I5081)
1126 Free BMD LEVY, Angelina Beatrice (I4106)
1127 Freedom of the City Admission Papers
Lists Henry as a Butcher and his father as John Jacobs, Butcher 
JACOBS, Henry (I4023)
1128 Freedom of the City of London - Admission Paper
Son of Woolf Simmonds
Commission Agent 
SIMMONDS, Judah Lee (I6098)
1129 From 'The Era' lists theatres in Chatham and give proprieters' names.
BARNARD, Charles Daniel (I5744)
1130 From 'The Era' lists theatres in Chatham and give proprieters' names.
BARNARD, Lyon Benjamin (I5951)
1131 From 1900 census LEVY, Louis (I4519)
1132 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I194)
1133 From Bronwyn Lee-Coward THORPE, Harry Sampson Lionel (I5044)
1134 From Dr Barnardos
See: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/immigration/immigration-records/home-children-1869-1930/immigration-records/Pages/item.aspx?IdNumber=39888&DotsIdNumber=
From Place: England 
HUGALL, Reginald Herbert (I5083)
1135 From Eileen Bird Source (S2599)
1136 From Eileen Bird (May 2011)
Mark/Mordecai was born I think in 1833/4 would have to dig out info
I think he was 21 when he went to Australia was that 1854 
CAPUA, Mark (I4045)
1137 From Eileen Bird (May 2011):

Amelia Emma Pesman was born around 1842/3 married her first husband Benjamin Noah DaCosta 6th June 1866 when they immediately went to New Zealand with Benjamin's brother John (Jacob) Noah DaCosta and his new bride Esther Ventura.
3 children where born in New Zealand I have birth entries of 2 of them in Wellington they returned to London Ben and Amelia & 1 infant I found their return passage and I know they were in London 1873 when Emanuel died
PESMAN, Amelia (I5473)
1138 From Eileen Bird (May 2011):

Amelia Emma Pesman was born around 1842/3 married her first husband Benjamin Noah DaCosta 6th June 1866 when they immediately went to New Zealand with Benjamin's brother John (Jacob) Noah DaCosta and his new bride Esther Ventura.
3 children where born in New Zealand I have birth entries of 2 of them in Wellington they returned to London Ben and Amelia & 1 infant I found their return passage and I know they were in London 1873 when Emanuel died
NOAH DACOSTA, Benjamin (I5477)
1139 From Eileen Bird: Rachel Died 5th January 1818 an death entry in Bevis Marks records reads
'Rachel De Saa Silveira or Capua divorced wife of mordcai Capua 5th January 1818'
DE SAA SILVERA, Rachel (I5452)
1140 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4484)
1141 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I4736)
1142 From Gerry Newnham (email 16-Jul-2010)
He also doesn't appear on the 1851 database as he was in Ohio/Kentucky at the time, where he married Ellen Silverstone.
However no documentation of the marriage has been found - yet!
In any case the Cincinnati records were destroyed in a fire
around 1870 and although the records have been reconstructed Henry was back in England by then so probably wasn't aware that the authorities were asking people to re-register.
Family: Henry JACOBS / Ellen SILVERSTONE (F248)
1143 From Gerry Newnham - March 2011:
. In the 1851 Census Sarah says she was born in the parish of St Martins in the Fields.

2. Sarah's marriage record gives her patronymic as "Sara bat Simha Segal" (Harold Lewin's transcript).

3. Simha equates to Simon.

4. Searching the Rate Books in the Westminster Archives for the period from
1793 to 1813 (I have still to check later records) shows only one Simon Levy in St Martin's parish and he is living in Russell Court, off Drury Lane.

5. Simon's wife, Hannah, appears in an Old Bailey trial as a witness in 1801. The entry in the trial record reads: "HANNAH LEVY sworn. - I am the wife of Simon Levy , who keeps a house and shop in Russel court..." (sic)

6. It seems Simon LEVY was a reasonably prosperous trader and was insured with the Sun Insurance Co - details awaited.

7. The inscription on Simon LEVY's grave is:

"In memory of/Mr Simon Levy/Late of Charles St Soho Square/Obit Jany 30th AM 5587/In the sixty seventh year/Of his life" (died 30 Jan 1827)

8. In 1825 Moses JACOBS had a shop in Charles Street (now called Soho Street).

LEVY, Sarah (I772)
1144 From Great Synagogue burial records
Elizabeth, child. Father Coppel (Jacob) son of David 
JACOBS, Elizabeth (I4354)
1145 From Great Synagogue burial records. Hudah, father Hirsh (Henry) son of David. JACOBS, Judah (I1420)
1146 From Great Synagogue burial records. Hudah, father Hirsh (Henry) son of David. JACOBS, Lewis Henry (Judah) (I4355)
1147 From Great Synagogue burial records. Judah, father Hirsh (Henry) son of David. JACOBS, Lewis Henry (Judah) (I4355)
1148 From his death certificate we learn that he was aged 80, was married to Alice Read when he was aged 37 and had no children. He was born and lived in Victoria all his life. JACOBS, Lawrence Samuel (I4057)
1149 From Jenny & Katrina Cowen:

"These Are the Names Jewish Lives in Australia 1788-1850" published by The Miegunyah Presss in 2006":

The following is a direct quote:-

"SOLOMON, Abraham Jacob
b. London, 1826-1889
Constant, 1849; Free
Married: Dealer, minister: 14 children

Abraham Jacob Solomon was the grandson of the "world renowned matzah baker" of London of the same name. On 4 July 1849 the 23-year-old Abraham Jacob Solomon of Cutler Street, Aldgate, married Julia Isaacs (Solomon, q.v) of Harrow Alley, Aldgate, in the New Synagogue in London. Chief Rabbi Adler officiated. They arrived, travelling steerage, in Adelaide on the barque Constant on 23 December 1849. The small Adelaide congregation quickly appointed him as the Reader for a salary of 52 pounds a year. Solomon conducted the consecration of the new synagogue building on 5 September 1850. An economic depression in South Australia brought the congregation's agreement to pay Solomon to an abrupt end. There were fewer than 150 Jews in South Australia, and Solomon offered to continue as synagogue reader in an honorary capacity.

In June 1852 Solomon was appointed Reader at the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation for six months, and then returned to Adelaide. On 22 October 1853 he wrote to the Adelaide Hebrew Congregation: "Being compelled through unforeseen circumstances to leave for Melbourne Port Phillip I am obliged to forgo the position I hold in your congregation as officiating Minister. Believe me Gentlemen it grieves me much that I have to do so after receiving such kind treatment from you all since my return from Melbourne".
Family: Judah ISAACS / Sarah [ISAACS] (F1434)
1150 From Jenny & Katrina Cowen:
Arrived on the barque 'Constant' travelling steerage.
ISAACS, Julia (I5539)

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