Jacobs Family History


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1701 Living with her sister and brother in law CAPUA, Amelia (I4047)
1702 Living with her sister and family WARTSKI, Deborah (I5856)
1703 Living with her sister and family.
Notified by her nephew Solomon Jacobs
We have no idea where the middle name Beber has come from but believe that her brother died as Solomon Baber Isaacs. 
ISAACS, Rachael Beber (I5516)
1704 Living with her uncle, Daniel Myers JACOBS, Phillis (I4028)
1705 Living with his father
No occupation given 
JACOBS, Charles (I4334)
1706 Living with Joseph Pfahl and family.
Listed as Niece
Joseph Pfahl was the brother of Julia Pfahl who married Henry Swaebe, Millicent's uncle.
Indexed as William Swarbe 
SWAEBE, Millicent (I5608)
1707 Living with maternal grandparents - Isaac & Milly Cohen
Brother, Isaac, is also there
She is recorded as Cissy
SIMONS, Cissie (I4957)
1708 Living with maternal grandparents - Isaac & Milly Cohen
His sister, Cissie, is also there.
He is listed as Isaac 
SIMONS, Izaih (I4967)
1709 Living with mother & step-father
Domestic Nurse 
JACOBS, Ellen Dorothy (I4479)
1710 Living with Mother and Grandfather JACOBS, David H (I3985)
1711 Living with Mother and Grandfather JACOBS, Rachel (I3990)
1712 Living with Mother and Grandfather JACOBS, Leah (Leonora) (I4007)
1713 Living with mother and step-father
Mercantile Clerk 
JACOBS, David Albert M.C. (I4534)
1714 Living with nephew & niece BRAHAM, George Albert (I213)
1715 Living with parents COOKE, Alfred (I388)
1716 Living with sister and brother in law FLYNN, Annie (I5529)
1717 Living with sister and brother in law LEVY, Guldah (I5667)
1718 Living with sister and her family
Housekeeper (Domestic)
JACOBS, Rawner Florence (I4992)
1719 Living with sister, Sarah and her husband.
Indexed as Florence Florene!!

JACOBS, Rawner Florence (I4992)
1720 Living with son, his wife and his daughter ABRAHAM, Alice Matilda (I385)
1721 Living with son-in-law Daniel Levy, and daughter. JACOBS, Henry (I815)
1722 Living with widowed daughter.
Retired Glass Merchant 
JACOBS, Henry (I815)
1723 Living with widowed father, his cousin and her children. ROBINSON, Phyllis May (I5502)
1724 Living withg mother, sister and step father WYNDER, Sarah (I2479)
1725 Lizzie is living in Australia
Decree Nis: 24/07/1922
Final decree: 12/02/1923 
Family: John COHEN / Lizzie HELLER (F1624)
1726 Local note on Source 146 Source (S146)
1727 Lodger
Leaf tobacco salesman
Both parents born in Germany - German
Mother is living as a boarder in the same street 
LINDNER, Manfred Sr (I4346)
1728 Looked for a will - none listed [08/11/2014]
ABRAHAM, Aaron (I386)
1729 Looked for her possible death prior to 1901 when her children are in Brighton as boarders.

There is 1 possibility:
1899 OND Strand aged 40 
JACOBS, Sarah F (I6361)
1730 Looking at a possible wife for Philip Jacobs (1771 - 1845).

I was contacted in December 2014 by Anne Piccoli asking me whether I thought that his wife was Wilmott Gilbert as reported on two Ancestry trees.

Anne was sceptical about it, especially as the surname was 'Jacob' rather than 'Jacobs'

My conclusion is that she is right and this is not the correct marriage.

Updated information can be found at https://jacobstree.co.uk/2014/12/06/philip-jacobs/

My logic is as follows:-

Philip Jacob married Wilmott Gilbert in the parish church of St Luke, Finsbury on the 11th January 1794
This could be OK because it is not unusual for couples of mixed faith to marry in both church and synagogue
A slightly unusual item is that her signature seems to read as Rebecca rather than Wilmott?
As far as I can tell, all the children of 'our' Philip were Jewish
We believe that Philip's wife died before 1844 as she is not mentioned in his will, written 1843.
Looking through Ancestry, we find a burial for Wilmott Jacob in 1824
Whilst this would fit for our Philip's wife, we again have the surname as Jacob
What I believe is more conclusive is that Philip & Wilmott Jacob had two children baptised
1801 Thomas, son of Philip and Willmott Jacob
1803 Eliza, daughter of Philip and Willmott Jacob.
I notice that neither of the two trees on Ancestry have found these baptisms.
No single one of these points is conclusive but I feel the combination of them rules out Wilmott as the wife of our Philip. 
JACOBS, Philip (I876)
1731 Looking at the divorce citation, it would appear that it was Maurice who filed for divorce against Sophia and her husband-to-be. MYERS, Sophia Doris (I4936)
1732 Looks as though the name may have changed to Skinner prior to birth of son Nicholas in 1942. Family: Louis ISAACS / Sophia VANDERMOLEN (F1617)
1733 Lucrecia Peindado has this marriage and subsequent descendents on her Ancestry tree.

Unfortunately I don't currently have the means of verifying the information so I shall just leave it as is for now.

Dave Simpson [Nov 2015] 
DE LA LUZ MEZA, Maria (I5009)
1734 Maiden Lane Synagogue [Ashkenazi]
His father just listed as 'Dead'
His occupation is Rag Merchant
Both give their ages as 'of Full Age'
His address: 5 St Anns Street, Wetsminster
Her address: 4 Tyler Street, St James [Same address as 1841 census]
There are many Ancestry Trees that have Rachel marrying Jonas Lipman in 1849.
However this seems to be an example of the 'Copy & Paste Disease' that seems prevalent on Ancestry these days.
The Jacobs-Lipman marriage certificate clearly shows that Rachael's father is Judah Jacobs, whereas the Jacobs-Cohen certificate names Lewis Jacobs, Glassdealer as her father.
More details can be found on the Jacobs Tree website:-


Note that Isaac Harris, who was one of the witnesses, is the great-great grandfather of contributor Anne Harris-Piccoli.

Family: Alexander COHEN / Rachel JACOBS (F1539)
1735 Maiden name from official GRO index birth entry for daughter Matilda JACOBS, Mary (I5487)
1736 Mail Ship Adriatic [Cowes to New York]
LEVY, Lionel (I4505)
1737 Mail Ship Adriatic [Cowes to New York]
Age is wrong but otherwise it fits.
Travelling with a Master Levy aged 1 which could well be Lionel 
LEVY, Isabella (I4110)
1738 Managed to find Lillian and Edward in 1939 Register.
Still can't find a marriage for them. 
Family: Edward Thomas PATE / Lillian Elizabeth BRAHAM (F703)
1739 Manager
Arriving in London on board Darro from Rio de Janeiro
Travelling 1st Class 
JACOBS, David Albert M.C. (I4534)
1740 Manager - Clothing
Married 8 years
1 Child - still living
Both parents born in Germany 
COHEN, Eli (I4521)
1741 Manager, Hyam's tailoring establishment JACOBS, David (I4711)
1742 Manfred & Helen gave me a copy of their database which was well populated.
I have double checked as much as possible, without buying certificates, the dates and information given.
Where they have given a post 1837 date for BMDs I have tried to find the appropriate entry in the indexes.
I have also tried to match up entries in the Great Synagogue index where possible, 
Source (S2192)
1743 Manfred Lindner's notes has a date and place of birth of 1795 at 2 Bell Lane.
My date range based on age in 1841,51,61 censuses 
SOLOMON, Hannah (I4348)
1744 Manufacturer's Agent
Married 8 years
Children: 2 - both living
Has mother in law and brother in law living with them 
JACOBSON, Charles (I5973)
1745 Market Porter JENKINS, Henry William (I5848)
1746 Market Porter JENKINS, Alfred (I5851)
1747 Marriage By Declaration
In Scotland Marriage by Declaration was once quite common and remained legal and valid until 1939.
All that was required was that the couple declare their intentions before two witnesses.
The problem with Marriage by Declaration was that occasionally there were misunderstandings and deceptions that proved messy.
Issues of sobriety at the time of the declaration as well as possibility of misunderstandings about whether the declaration was of betrothal or actual marriage could put the relationship in doubt, lacking reliable witnesses.
Since the transaction was informal and unrecorded it could be difficult to prove the legitimacy of offspring and rights of inheritance if either party abandoned the relationship.
Eligibility to marry could be cast in doubt if a previous marriage was alleged but could not be proved.
The old practice of English couples running off to Gretna Green at the Scottish boarder to be married by the blacksmith, under the more expedient Scottish law presents an exciting and romantic scenario.
Gretna Green is still a very popular wedding destination but nowadays prior notice must be filed with the local registrar 
ABRAHAM, Simeon Henry (I209)
1748 Marriage certificate COOKE, Alfred (I388)
1749 Marriage certificate shows ages of both as 23, but Alice wa s in fact 4 days short of her 23rd birthday on 5 February.. .. Family: Philip Morris JACOBS / Alice WALDUCK (F1518)
1750 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Bruce Graeme RALPH / Living (F1536)

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