Jacobs Family History


Matches 751 to 800 of 4,282

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
751 Commercial Traveller ABRAHAM, Lewis Michael (I382)
752 Commercial Traveller "Jewellery"
Married 5 years
1 Child, still living 
JACOBS, Zadock Alfred (I4787)
753 Commission Agent HART, Henry Chapman (I4012)
754 Commission Clerk LEVY, Montague (I4515)
755 Commission Merchant LEVY, Ernest Abraham (I4105)
756 Conducted by Rev Gerald D'Arcy-Irvine, Undertaker Mr Moss. Buried in Row A Allotment 29
From: Bronwyn Lee-Coward's Ancestry Tree 
JACOBS, Sampson (I4785)
757 Conspicuous gallantry JACOBS, David Albert M.C. (I4534)
758 Convicted of larceny at Durham Assizes.
Transported for 7 years
Oc cupation Pencil Maker 
SOLOMON, Emanuel (I5709)
759 Convicted of Pocketpicking
Life transportation 
WILSON, Mary Ann (I5715)
760 Cook, Domestic
Living with grandfather 
GREENLAND, Nelly Hester (I4721)
761 Cooke family

Alfred Cooke married Alice Matilda Braham in 1889
They had a son, Alfred Lewis Cooke in 1890

Alfred Lewis Cooke was still alive in 1911 census aged 20
Not possible to tell if any other family members present in 1911 census at this time.
Need to check 1911 census to see if any other family members

Looked for Alfred L getting married
Assumed he married 1906 (min age 16) to 1929 (end of FreeBMD records and aged 39)

Used FreeBMD but then used Beta where no FreeBMD coverage for certain quarters


Sep 1907 Cooke Alfred Louis Cuff or John Pontypridd 11a 1177
Mar 1914 Cooke Alfred L Sarah Wynder Greenwich 1d 1127
Mar 1918 Cooke Alfred L Vera L Follett Cardiff 11a 452

The most likely one is the one in 1914 because of location, but equally he could have been stationed in Wales during the war and married a Welsh girl

Alfred Cooke (the father) died between 1905 (last seen in 1901 census) and 1947 (wife dies a widow)

On Alice Matilda's death cert we have E A Harrold, daughter
Obvious thought is that an unknown daughter married a Mr Harrold
E A could be her initials or could be husband's (Mrs E A Harrold)

Decided to look for death of suitable person to try and find Christian names:-

Searched 1947 - 2004 inclusive for Harrold deaths:-

Year Qtr Name Age Born Died
1958 JFM Elizabeth A 69 1889 Barrow F
1958 JFM Ethel A 62 1896 Scarboro'
1964 JAS Edith A 74 1890 Worksop
1965 AMJ Elizabeth A 86 1879 Wisbech
1966 AMJ Edit A S 88 1878 Southampton
1970 JFM Eveline Ada 14 Oct 1901 Thornbury
1976 JAS Elsie Ann 21 Feb 1894 Peterborough
1979 OND Elsie Annie 28 Jan 1891 Birmingham
1983 JFM Edith Alice 01 May 1893 Trafford
1987 JFM Elizabeth Annie 81 26 Feb 1905 Shepway
1996 AMJ Edith Annie E 86 07 Oct 1909 Worthing
1997 AMJ Edith Alice 85 04 Oct 1911 Westminster

We can discount all those born before 1901 census as she wasn't with the family, although we must still consider that she was with relatives.

Equally, if we look at the list of 1911 census names around where the family were, we could discount all the others except Edith Alice

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a Cooke birth to match with the two most likely ones (1983 , 1997)

Another possibility is that she is actually an ex-daughter-in-law (Alfred Lewis married her, died, and she remarried but still kept in touch)

However I haven't found any possible spouse for Alfred L with initials E A 
COOKE, Alfred Lewis (I389)
762 Cooper - Newman
She was originally known to us through Lynda Kelly as Catherine Newman. However Gerry Newnham found their marriage certificate in the name Cooper.
Some research found that her family were Cooper in the 1891 census and Newman in the 1901 census hence the confusion. 
COOPER, Kate Catherine (I4485)
763 Copper Nail Manufacturer
Effects under ?600
Fanny Nathan of 20 Union Street, Stonehouse.
Daughter and one of the Executors
NATHAN, Lyonel (I3392)
764 CopperSmith
Has a Michael Nathan with him, age 16 
NATHAN, Ezra (I3401)
765 Copy received from Gary Newnham Source (S2323)
766 Could also be Marjorie. Don't know where I've got husband from - not in June's notes. WHITE, Marjory (I4079)
767 Could be Janette as there is a BMD death for a Janette Swaebe in 1849 - 1849 OND London E 2 156 KONING, Jeanne (I5900)
768 Could sign her marriage certificate. JACOBS, Amelia (Milly) (I4033)
769 Court case
London Metrolpolitan Archives
This is a possibility:-
Title: William Newington, charged with felony: statements from Samuel Williams, linen draper, of 102 Berwick Street, Saint James; Lewis Jacobs, glass and china dealer of 101 Berwick Street and Henry Frond, police constable
Reference Code: MJ/SP/1840/10/013
Level of description: File
Parent Reference: MJ/SP/1840/10
Site Location: London Metropolitan Archives
Dates of Creation: 1840 Nov 02
Extent: 1 examination
Access Restrictions: available for general access 
JACOBS, Lewis (I4016)
770 Court case against 2 former employees JACOBS, Moses (I391)
771 Court case brought against Henry by his two nephews.
He is accused of painting a sign intended to misrepresent himself as his brother David.
He loses the case.
JACOBS, Henry (I816)
772 Courtcase involving fraudulent bills.
He is a Sheriff's Officer
Also mentioned were Lewis Jacobs and Jojn Minter Hart 
LEVY, Lawrence (I4543)
773 Courtcase involving fraudulent bills.
Listed as being a glass dealer
Also mentioned were Lawrence Levy and Jojn Minter Hart 
JACOBS, Lewis (I4016)
774 Cousin to Harry Hyams COHEN, Nancy (I4928)
775 Cremated
As Daniel S Vernon
He was a showman 
BEN MOYA-SWAEBE, Daniel (I4392)
776 Cremated JACOBS, Leonard Keith (I4171)
777 Cremated JACOBS, Leslie Henry (I4172)
778 Cremated at Rockwood. HINES, Clara Jane (I5022)
779 Cremated.
Details from www.deceasedonline.com 
BRAHAM, Margaret Elizabeth (I53)
780 Cremated. LARK, Jean (I4284)
781 Daily Telegraph SAMUEL, Albert Basil (I4802)
782 Daniel died a very rich man - ?79,000
Many bequests to charity, which is probably why it got in the paper.
However many relations mentioned. It confirms also that his wife, Sophie has pre-deceased him. 
MYERS, Daniel (I5518)
783 Daniel was a Tobacconist and lived at 16 Oxford Street.
Sarah lived at 27 1/2 Duke Street. 
Family: Daniel BEN MOYA-SWAEBE / Sarah JACOBS (F1407)
784 Daniel, Lillie, Harry and Daniel are all listed SUSMAN, Daniel (I4415)
785 Data from Peter Crook's Ancestry Tree JACOBS, Julius (I6316)
786 Date confirmed by Gary Jacobs JACOBS, Sydney George (I4262)
787 Date from Death Entry ROSOMAN, Carlton Joseph (I4187)
788 Date from Manfred Lindner's notes JACOBS, Moses (I4014)
789 Date from Winsome Griffin PELVIN, Alfred (I4148)
790 Date of birth given as April 1838
No of children living: 8
Year of immigration: 1858
No. of years in USA: 42
Naturalized - Yes
Occupation: Real Estate 
LEVY, Ernest Abraham (I4105)
791 Date of birth given as April 1870
Mother of children:0
No of children living: 0
Occupation: Sales 
LEVY, Myriam (I4517)
792 Date of birth given as Sept 1838
Mother of children: 6 [Doesn't match with next entry]
No of children living: 8
Year of immigration: 1858
No. of years in USA: 41
Naturalized - Yes
Occupation: Real Estate 
LEVY, Isabella (I4110)
793 Date of birth given as Sept 1880
Mother of children:0
No of children living: 0
LEVY, Helen (I4522)
794 Date of birth given as Sept 1883
Mother of children:0
No of children living: 0
Occupation: At School 
LEVY, Rose Belle (I4523)
795 Date of birth given at 10th instead of 17th
Retired confectioner
Informant: Philip Vandermolen, Nephew - 97 Canterbury Avenue, Redbridge 
COHEN, Julius (Tooney) (I4926)
796 Date of birth may be 02 Feb 1914
He married Jane WILLINGTON in 1944. He died on 6 May 1961 in Glyfada, near Athens. - Haven't been able to confirm either.
SAMUEL, Howard Samuel (I4803)
797 Date of Birth: 12/10/1913
Furniture Dealer
SUSMAN, Harry (I4978)
798 Date of birth: 12/12/1886 HUGALL, Reginald Herbert (I5083)
799 Date of Birth: 17/11/1918 - Sascatoon
Mother: Mary
Death date: 10 Aug 1998 
HUGALL, Teddy Philip (I5089)
800 Date of Birth: 1915
+2 Redacted
Household is Healey
EDWARDS, Ellen Louisa (I4761)

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