Jacobs Family History

London Gazette

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  • Title London Gazette 
    Source ID S2416 
    Text T./2nd Lt. David Albert Jacobs, 1st Bn.,R. Berks. R. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During an a dvance a good many of his men lost touch owing to the mist , but he collected as many as possible and, entirely on hi s own, pushed forward and took the objective, capturing and killing many of the enemy. Throughout the operations his courageous and stead y leadership contributed largely to the success achieved. 
    Linked to (1) David Albert Jacobs, M.C. 

  • Photos
    David A Jacobs - Gallantry Award - London Gazette 1918 (Page 14247)
    David A Jacobs - Gallantry Award - London Gazette 1918 (Page 14247)
    Record originated in Jacobs Tree