Humphrey Levy
I am sending you data on Humphrey Levy glass dealer 1815
[Phil Kirby]
He certainly doesn’t seem like a very good businessman! No indication so far that he’s a relative, however – [Carol Freeman]
I think you have to ask yourself the question did Daniel take over Henry’s business or were his own family in the glass trade.Also, where is Judah Levy in all this- what was his trade?I would keep all options open! [Phil Kirby]
Phil, I have been asking myself about Daniel and Henry, and have no answer so far.
Remember I found the partial tree in the Collyer-Ferguson files which had Moses and Daniel as brothers, also with Lewis and Nathaniel.
I’ve tracked Lewis through 1851 and Nathaniel in 1941, and they were both toll collectors (as C-F has noted).
In 1851 Lewis did live next door to where Moses lived later (55 and 53 Tavistock Square) but that’s a slight reed on which to base confirmation.
Moses’s father was married to Rosetta, born abroad, who died before she married Henry Ellis in time to give birth to Isaac and Hannah in about 1816.
I’m fairly well convinced of this relationship since Isaac is described as Moses’ half brother in his Will, and he left an annuity to Hannah Ellis and Lydia Levy (presumably Moses’ sister) who lived together all their lives.
And Rosetta and the Ellises were living together til Rosetta died.
Thus if Judah was Moses’ father, he may have been born abroad, and would have died in the early 1800’s.
I haven’t searched carefully for Judah in the business directories – somewhere to start, tho probably before 1814.
I haven’t found a marriage record for Moses or a burial record for Judah, or a marriage record for Rosetta.
Too bad the censuses started so late![Carol Freeman]
I traced Nathaniel/Jonas and Lewis Levy as Toll collectors[Phil Kirby]