Abraham Jacobs – Updated June 2024
Transcript of Abraham Jacob’s will added 01 June 2024
See bottom 2 images.
Dear all found this when I met Phil at the SOG forgot about it but it fell out of my suitcase when I was tidying up.
Its a will by a Abraham Jacobs and it mentions a brother called David, and a slave boy he brought to England. I have just tried looking for it on the NA site but can not see it. Don’t know if anyone can either find the original or whether anyone thinks it has something to do with our family, its interesting if nothing else, might still look it up.
Mentions Calcutta and places in Germany I think.
[Debbie Bozkurt]
I’ve just had a quick scan and can make out the following:-
1769 Abraham Jacobs of Calcutta. brother David & Jacobs
???? the place of my Nativity in Germany
called Brusch(?) situate and lying between the citys of “?????? and ?????”;
“slave boy named Jannay(?) who I shall hereafter name Alexander and whom I take with me to England”
??? his freedom; exors:- Samuel d’Castor & Solomon Marks(?) of London, Merchant. 28 Nov 1768
?? 10 Dec 1769 d’Castro [PCC 421 Boss(?)
Other entries on the page:-
1766 Frances Jacobs of Somerset St., Goodmans Fields, Widow [Right area for our Jacobs]
1767 Phineus Jacobs of Folkstone
1776 Catherine Jacobs of St. Giles, Cripplegate
1787 Nathanial Jacobs of
1788 William Jacobs of St. Margaret, Westminster
[Dave Simpson]
After some discussion with Phil Kirby (June 2024), he and I decided that there isn’t sufficient evidence to claim Abraham as one of ‘ours’ but that the transcript may offer clues in the future.
[Dave Simpson]