Sampson Jacobs
I was interested that you should mention Papers Past.
I have been doing some research over the last couple of weeks, using this web site and discovered an interesting article.
If you type in Samuel and Lawrence Jacobs, the first item is a trial of three brothers Samuel, Lawrence and Sampson Jacobs accused of stealing a gold pin.
Could this be Samuel and Lawrence Jacobs, sons of Moses of 101 Berwick Street?
If so who is Sampson?
Could it be the anglicised version of Juda Leib Son of Moses Jacobs of Charles Lane, indicated in Myer Solomon’s circumcision register?
By copying to June, I am hoping that she maybe able to shed some light on this by checking marriage or death certificates for Sampson.
I have tried checking but do not have access to information on web. I have also tried 1841 Census but no Sampson mentioned in London.
There is also a murder of Emanuel Jacobs mentioned.
June had previously found a death or marriage certificate of an Emanuel Jacobs whose father was indicated as Moses Jacobs of London.
By checking the UK Census, the only Emanuel that looked possible was the son of Mordicia Jacobs, yet another mystery.[Peter Wales]
I have checked all the NZSG CDs and there is no mention of a Sampson.
Could he have been Lawrence’s son?
I feel that that is the most likely.
He would have gone back to Australia with his father. I haven’t re-checked Emanuel.
Will do.[June Keating]
The newspaper report on the Resident’s Magistrates Court from the West Coast times 24 July 1866 definitely indicates that they were all brothers.
Another clue might be the places mentioned in the report ie Revell Street, Jockey Club Hotel and Moffats.
Do any of these names tie up with places where our Samuel and Lawrence lived, possibly Hokitika?
Regarding Emanuel, his murder took place in 1865, the same year as the death certificate for Emanuel Jacobs that you sent me.
I forgot to mention that in Doreen Burger’s Jewish Victorian – Extracts from Jewish Newspapers 1861 – 1870 it also indicates the murder.
It indicates deceased as 28 years of age, single and son of Mordecai Jacobs of Aldgate.
This is definitely not one of our relatives but not sure if it is the same Emanuel, aged 28, on death certificate, indicated as son of Moses.[Peter Wales]
I just checked Revell Street, Hokitika on the internet and it definitely exists.
How big a place was Hokitila in the 1860s?
What was the population?
Is it just a coincidence that there were brothers Samuel, Lawrence and a Sampson Jacobs in Hokitika at possibly the same time as our brothers Samuel and Lawrence Jacobs, sons of Moses.
The other coincidence is the mention of the Jockey Club Hotel.
Hokitika had a horse races track established in 1866.
Samuel and Lawrence’s brother David was a member of Tattersalls (Race Horse bloodstock auctioneers) in England as indicated in Doreen Berger reports. I think we may be closing in on this one.[Peter Wales]
Hokitika would have been a larger place then than it is now but not big enough to have a double up of the three brothers mentioned.
It certainly looks as though there was another brother, Sampson, in New Zealand but he is rather elusive as he doesn’t appear on the NZSG discs.
Perhaps he went to Australia with Lawrence?[June Keating]
As I indicated previously, I suspect that Sampson (if he is a brother of Samuel and Lawrence) was Juda Leib (note Juda is German version of Judah) at birth, born 1824, son of Moses, living at Charles Lane, Soho, as indicated in Myer Solomon’s circumcision register.
It is only speculation at the moment but the coincidences of another set of brothers in such a small town, even with the increase in population due to the gold rush in the 1860s would be very unusual.
Regarding the name Sampson, I have found it is a name along with names such as Hercules that tends to be associated with Cornwall.
I think you will find this on checking various census.
Why it is, I do not know and do not believe that we have any link with Cornwall. I will keep searching.[Peter Wales]
I haven’t followed this thread carefully, but although I am one to want clear proof, the likelihood of two families with the same name in a small town in that era sounds quite remote.
I’d be persuaded of the connection[Carol Freeman]
The faith was upheld in Hokitika, New Zealand——-en-PubMetaWCT-441—-0Jacobs-article
[June Keating]
You may laugh but the Jacobs appear to have strong links with horse racing.
David Jacobs would not have been a member of Tattersalls without being interested in buying a racehorse and Samuel also appears to be strongly linked.
The trial of the stolen gold pin had racecourse connections.
There is another trial ‘the Pheonix Park murder trial with a Samuel Jacobs as a witness, which I believe has racecourse links, although I need to check this further.
I checked out David Jacobs on a Tattersalls website and thought I had discovered something important when a lot of entries appeared.
However the entries were for Horserace owner and TV presenter/disc jockey David Jacobs in the mid to late 1900s.
Now I wonder if he could be related to our family?
I searched for Sampson on the internet for most of the day but nothing more to report.
One other interesting thing was after typing Samuel Jacobs in Papers Past, item 4 included a photograph of Treasurer and President Samuel Jacobs but it not indicate of what, as far as I could see.
Not sure if this is our Samuel Jacobs or not.
Have you seen?[Peter Wales]
It was the name of the racehorse that tickled my fancy.
I really don’t think you would be able to call a racehorse “Moses” in this politically correct society that we now have[June Keating]
Sorry I did not respond yesterday, I had a day off from family history.
I did also see the funny side, particularly when you consider that horse racing nowadays is dominated at the top level by Arab owners and trainers.[Peter Wales]
I have not done any research on Henry Jacobs line but his descendants seem rather fun!
It makes really interesting reading.
Thanks for copying me into the correspondence.
I love the thought the Horse was named after the grandfather, i have also looked at David Jacobs the disc jockey as most of the the David Jacobs born were related to our head of the family.
I did find his parents and trace back one generation but I moved on to other things, you have wetted my appetite again….[Debbie Bozkurt]